Adaptors of STL-like containers | |
Xt_xchunked_array | Chunked array container |
Xt_xcomplex | Defined in xtensor/xcomplex.hpp |
Xt_xeval | Evaluation functions |
Xt_xfunctor_view | Chunked array container |
Xt_xmanipulation | |
Basic functions | |
Exponential functions | |
Power functions | |
Trigonometric function | |
Hyperbolic functions | |
Error and gamma functions | |
Nearest integer floating point operations | |
Classification functions | |
reducing functions | |
accumulating functions | |
nan functions | |
Arithmetic operators | |
Logical operators | |
Bitwise operators | |
Comparison operators | |
Casting operators | |
Support functions to get/check a shape array. | |
Sorting functions. | Because sorting functions need to access the tensor data repeatedly, they evaluate their input and may allocate temporaries |
Support functions swich between array indices and flat indices |