►Nxt | Standard mathematical functions for xexpressions |
Cacquire_ownership | |
Caligned_array | This array class is modeled after std::array but adds optional alignment through a template parameter |
Capply_cv | |
Cbig_promote_value_type | |
Cbroadcast_error | |
Cbuffer_inner_types | |
Cbuffer_inner_types< xbuffer_adaptor< CP, O, A > > | |
Cbuffer_inner_types< xiterator_adaptor< I, CI > > | |
Cbuffer_inner_types< xiterator_owner_adaptor< C, IG > > | |
Ccan_assign | |
Ccan_assign< xstrided_view< CT, S, L, FST >, RHS > | |
Ccheck_strides_overlap | |
Ccheck_strides_overlap< layout_type::column_major > | |
Ccheck_strides_overlap< layout_type::row_major > | |
Ccommon_difference_type | |
Ccommon_difference_type<> | |
Ccommon_size_type | |
Ccommon_size_type<> | |
Ccommon_tensor_type | |
Ccommon_value_type | |
Cconcatenate_error | |
Cconditional_cast_functor | |
Cconditional_cast_functor< false, T > | |
Cconditional_cast_functor< true, T > | |
Cconst_array | A std::array like class with all member function (except reverse iterators) as constexpr |
Cconst_value | |
Cconst_xclosure | |
Cconst_xclosure< E, disable_xexpression< std::decay_t< E > > > | |
Cconst_xclosure< xshared_expression< E > &, std::enable_if_t< true > > | |
Ccontainer_simd_return_type | |
Cdecay_all | |
Cdecay_all< S< X... > > | |
Cdisable_indexed_stepper | |
Cdriven_align_mode | |
Cenable_indexed_stepper | |
Cfilter_fixed_shape | |
Cfixed_shape | Fixed shape implementation for compile time defined arrays |
Cfixed_xreducer_shape_type | |
Cfixed_xreducer_shape_type< fixed_shape< I... >, fixed_shape< J... > > | |
Cforbid_simd | |
Cforbid_simd< const std::vector< bool, A > > | |
Cforbid_simd< const xtl::xdynamic_bitset< B, A > > | |
Cforbid_simd< std::vector< bool, A > > | |
Cforbid_simd< xtl::xdynamic_bitset< B, A > > | |
Cget_init_type | |
Cget_init_type< V, fixed_shape< X... > > | |
Cget_rank | |
Cget_rank< E, decltype((void) E::rank, void())> | |
Cget_strides_type | |
Cget_strides_type< fixed_shape< I... > > | |
Cget_strides_type< xbuffer_adaptor< CP, O, A > > | |
Cget_value_type | |
Cget_value_type< T, void_t< typename T::value_type > > | |
Chas_assign_conversion | |
Chas_assign_to | |
Chas_assign_to< E1, E2, void_t< decltype(std::declval< const E2 & >().assign_to(std::declval< E1 & >()))> > | |
Chas_data_interface | |
Chas_data_interface< E, void_t< decltype(std::declval< E >().data())> > | |
Chas_fixed_rank | |
Chas_iterator_interface | |
Chas_iterator_interface< E, void_t< decltype(std::declval< E >().begin())> > | |
Chas_memory_address | |
Chas_memory_address< T, void_t< decltype(std::addressof(*std::declval< T >().begin()))> > | |
Chas_rank | |
Chas_sign_conversion | |
Chas_simd_apply | |
Chas_simd_interface | |
Chas_simd_interface< xfunction< F, CT... >, T > | |
Chas_simd_interface< xfunctor_adaptor< F, CT >, T > | |
Chas_simd_interface< xfunctor_applier_base< D >, T > | |
Chas_simd_interface< xfunctor_view< F, CT >, T > | |
Chas_simd_interface< xtensor_view< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Chas_simd_type | |
Chas_storage_type | |
Chas_storage_type< T, void_t< typename xcontainer_inner_types< T >::storage_type > > | |
Chas_strides | |
Chas_strides< E, void_t< decltype(std::declval< E >().strides())> > | |
Cindex_from_shape | |
Cinitializer_dimension | |
Cinner_aligned_mode | |
Cinner_reference | |
Cinvalid_type | |
Cis_chunked_t | |
Cis_contiguous_container | |
Cis_contiguous_container< xiterator< St, S, L > > | |
Cis_contiguous_container< xiterator_adaptor< I, CI > > | |
Cis_contiguous_container< xiterator_owner_adaptor< C, IG > > | |
Cis_evaluation_strategy | |
Cis_indexed_stepper | |
Cis_indexed_stepper< xindexed_stepper< T, B > > | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< E, void_t< decltype(*std::declval< const E >(), std::declval< const E >()==std::declval< const E >(), std::declval< const E >() !=std::declval< const E >(),++(*std::declval< E * >()),(*std::declval< E * >())++, std::true_type())> > | |
Cis_narrowing_conversion | |
Cis_not_xdummy_iterator | |
Cis_not_xdummy_iterator< xdummy_iterator< is_const, CT > > | |
Cis_reducer_options | |
Cis_reducer_options_impl | |
Cis_reducer_options_impl< std::tuple< X... > > | |
Cis_specialization_of | |
Cis_specialization_of< TT, TT< Ts... > > | |
Cis_xoptional_expression | |
Cis_xtensor_expression | |
Ckeep_dims_type | |
Clinear_assigner | |
Clinear_assigner< false > | |
Cmake_invalid_type | |
Cmake_void | |
Cmemory_range | |
Cmeta_identity | |
Cmissing_type | |
Cnested_initializer_list | |
Cnested_initializer_list< T, 0 > | |
Cno_ownership | |
Cnoalias_proxy | |
Cnorm_type | Traits class for the result type of the norm_l2() function |
Cnumeric_constants | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker< Dst, std::enable_if_t< has_memory_address< Dst >::value > > | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_base | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits< E, std::enable_if_t< has_memory_address< E >::value > > | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits< E, std::enable_if_t<!has_memory_address< E >::value &&is_crtp_base_of< xview_semantic, E >::value > > | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits< E, std::enable_if_t<!has_memory_address< E >::value &&is_specialization_of< xbroadcast, E >::value > > | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits< E, std::enable_if_t<!has_memory_address< E >::value &&is_specialization_of< xfunction, E >::value > > | |
Coverlapping_memory_checker_traits< E, std::enable_if_t<!has_memory_address< E >::value &&is_specialization_of< xgenerator, E >::value > > | |
Cpromote_shape | |
Cpromote_strides | |
Crebind_container | |
Crebind_container< X, C< T, A > > | |
Crebind_container< X, C< T, N > > | |
Crebind_container< X, svector< T, N, A, B > > | |
►Creducer_options | |
Cinitial_tester | |
Cinitial_tester< const xinitial< X > > | |
Cinitial_tester< xinitial< X > > | |
Cremove_class | |
Cremove_class< R(C::*)(Args...) const > | |
Cremove_class< R(C::*)(Args...)> | |
Cselect_dim_mapping_type | |
Cselect_dim_mapping_type< fixed_shape< I... > > | |
Cselect_iterable_base | |
Cselect_layout | Compute a layout based on a layout and a shape type |
Csequence_view | |
Csquared_norm_type | Traits class for the result type of the norm_sq() function |
Cstatic_dimension | |
Cstatic_string | |
Cstepper_assigner | |
Cstepper_tools | |
Cstrided_loop_assigner | |
Csvector | |
Ctemporary_container | |
Ctemporary_container< xbuffer_adaptor< CP, O, A > > | |
Ctemporary_container< xiterator_adaptor< I, CI > > | |
Ctemporary_container< xiterator_owner_adaptor< C, IG > > | |
Ctemporary_type | |
Ctemporary_type< T, void_t< typename std::decay_t< T >::temporary_type > > | |
Ctemporary_type_from_tag | |
Ctemporary_type_from_tag< xtensor_expression_tag, T > | |
►Ctracking_allocator | |
Crebind | |
Ctranspose_error | |
Ctuple_idx_of | |
Ctuple_idx_of_impl | |
Ctuple_idx_of_impl< I, T, std::tuple< T, Types... > > | |
Ctuple_idx_of_impl< I, T, std::tuple< U, Types... > > | |
Ctuple_idx_of_impl< I, T, std::tuple<> > | |
Cuvector | |
Cview_temporary_type | |
Cxaccessible | Base class for implementation of common expression access methods |
Cxaccumulator_functor | |
Cxall | |
Cxall_tag | |
Cxarray_adaptor | Dense multidimensional container adaptor with tensor semantic |
Cxarray_container | Dense multidimensional container with tensor semantic |
Cxassign_traits | |
Cxaxis_iterator | Class for iteration over (N-1)-dimensional slices, where N is the dimension of the underlying expression |
Cxaxis_slice_iterator | Class for iteration over one-dimensional slices |
Cxblockwise_reducer | |
Cxbounded_iterator | |
Cxbroadcast | Broadcasted xexpression to a specified shape |
Cxbuffer_adaptor | |
Cxbuffer_adaptor_base | |
Cxchunk_iterator | |
Cxchunked_array | |
Cxchunked_assigner | |
Cxchunked_semantic | |
Cxchunked_view | |
Cxclosure | |
Cxclosure< E, disable_xexpression< std::decay_t< E > > > | |
Cxclosure< xshared_expression< E >, std::enable_if_t< true > > | |
Cxconst_accessible | Base class for implementation of common expression constant access methods |
Cxconst_iterable | Base class for multidimensional iterable constant expressions |
Cxcontainer | Base class for dense multidimensional containers |
Cxcontainer_inner_types | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xarray_adaptor< EC, L, SC, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xarray_container< EC, L, SC, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xbroadcast< CT, X > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xchunked_array< chunk_storage > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xdynamic_view< CT, S, L, FST > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xfixed_adaptor< EC, S, L, SH, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xfixed_container< ET, S, L, SH, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xfunction< F, CT... > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xfunctor_adaptor< F, CT > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xfunctor_view< F, CT > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xgenerator< C, R, S > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xindex_view< CT, I > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xmasked_view< CTD, CTM > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xoptional_assembly< VE, FE > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xoptional_assembly_adaptor< VEC, FEC > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xreducer< F, CT, X, O > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xrepeat< CT, R > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xscalar< CT > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xstrided_view< CT, S, L, FST > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xtensor_adaptor< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xtensor_container< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xtensor_view< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxcontainer_inner_types< xview< CT, S... > > | |
Cxcontainer_iterable_types | |
Cxcontainer_semantic | Implementation of the xsemantic_base interface for dense multidimensional containers |
Cxcontiguous_iterable | Base class for multidimensional iterable expressions with contiguous storage |
Cxcsv_config | |
Cxdrop_slice | |
Cxdummy_iterator | |
Cxdynamic_view | |
Cxellipsis_tag | |
Cxexpression | Base class for xexpressions |
Cxexpression_assigner | |
Cxexpression_assigner_base | |
Cxexpression_assigner_base< xoptional_expression_tag > | |
Cxexpression_assigner_base< xtensor_expression_tag > | |
Cxexpression_holder | |
Cxexpression_tag | |
Cxfiltration | Filter of a xexpression for fast scalar assign |
Cxfixed_adaptor | Dense multidimensional container adaptor with tensor semantic and fixed dimension |
Cxfixed_container | Dense multidimensional container with tensor semantic and fixed dimension |
Cxfunction | Multidimensional function operating on xtensor expressions |
Cxfunction_cache | |
Cxfunction_iterator | |
Cxfunction_stepper | |
Cxfunctor_adaptor | Adapt a container with a functor, forwarding methods such as resize / reshape |
Cxfunctor_applier_base | |
Cxfunctor_iterator | |
Cxfunctor_stepper | |
Cxfunctor_view | View of an xexpression |
Cxfunctor_view_temporary_type | |
Cxgenerator | Multidimensional function operating on indices |
Cxindex_view | View of an xexpression from vector of indices |
Cxindexed_stepper | |
Cxinitial | |
Cxiterable | Base class for multidimensional iterable expressions |
Cxiterable_inner_types | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xarray_adaptor< EC, L, SC, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xarray_container< EC, L, SC, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xbroadcast< CT, X > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xchunked_array< chunk_storage > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xdynamic_view< CT, S, L, FST > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xfixed_adaptor< EC, S, L, SH, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xfixed_container< ET, S, L, SH, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xfunction< F, CT... > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xgenerator< C, R, S > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xindex_view< CT, I > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xmasked_view< CTD, CTM > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xoptional_assembly< VE, FE > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xoptional_assembly_adaptor< VEC, FEC > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xreducer< F, CT, X, O > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xrepeat< CT, R > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xscalar< CT > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xstrided_view< CT, S, L, FST > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xtensor_adaptor< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xtensor_container< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xtensor_view< EC, N, L, Tag > > | |
Cxiterable_inner_types< xview< CT, S... > > | |
Cxiterator | |
Cxiterator_adaptor | |
Cxiterator_owner_adaptor | |
Cxkeep_slice | |
Cxmasked_value | |
Cxmasked_view | View on an xoptional_assembly or xoptional_assembly_adaptor hiding values depending on a given mask |
Cxmasked_view_stepper | |
Cxmultiindex_iterator | |
Cxnewaxis | |
Cxnewaxis_tag | |
Cxoptional_assembly | Dense multidimensional container holding optional values, optimized for tensor operations |
Cxoptional_assembly_adaptor | Dense multidimensional adaptor holding optional values, optimized for tensor operations |
Cxoptional_assembly_base | Base class for dense multidimensional optional assemblies |
Cxoptional_assembly_linear_iterator | |
Cxoptional_assembly_linear_iterator_traits | |
Cxoptional_assembly_stepper | |
Cxoptional_assembly_storage | |
Cxoptional_comparable | |
Cxoptional_expression_tag | |
Cxproxy_inner_types | |
Cxrange | |
Cxrange_adaptor | |
Cxreducer | Reducing function operating over specified axes |
Cxreducer_functors | |
Cxreducer_shape_type | |
Cxreducer_shape_type< fixed_shape< I... >, fixed_shape< J... >, O > | |
Cxreducer_shape_type< fixed_shape< I... >, std::array< I2, N2 >, std::false_type > | |
Cxreducer_shape_type< fixed_shape< I... >, std::array< I2, N2 >, std::true_type > | |
Cxreducer_shape_type< std::array< I1, N1 >, std::array< I2, N2 >, std::false_type > | |
Cxreducer_shape_type< std::array< I1, N1 >, std::array< I2, N2 >, std::true_type > | |
Cxreducer_stepper | |
Cxrepeat | Expression with repeated values along an axis |
Cxrepeat_stepper | |
Cxscalar | |
Cxscalar_stepper | |
Cxsemantic_base | Base interface for assignable xexpressions |
Cxsharable_expression | |
Cxshared_expression | Shared xexpressions |
Cxslice | |
Cxstepped_range | |
Cxstepper | |
Cxstrided_container | Partial implementation of xcontainer that embeds the strides and the shape |
Cxstrided_view | View of an xexpression using strides |
Cxstrided_view_base | |
Cxtensor_adaptor | Dense multidimensional container adaptor with tensor semantics and fixed dimension |
Cxtensor_container | Dense multidimensional container with tensor semantic and fixed dimension |
Cxtensor_expression_tag | |
Cxtensor_view | Dense multidimensional container adaptor with view semantics and fixed dimension |
Cxvectorizer | |
Cxview | Multidimensional view with tensor semantic |
Cxview_semantic | Implementation of the xsemantic_base interface for multidimensional views |
Cxview_shape_type | |
Cxview_shape_type< fixed_shape< I... >, S... > | |
Cxview_shape_type< std::array< I, L >, S... > | |
Cxview_stepper | |